ccording to ITU there are 8,157 fixed Internet broadband connections (0,007%), on 11 million Cuban citizens , mostly reserved for government institutions and extremely privileged individuals. The ...
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n the previous story we explored the exciting life of our hero – one small Internet packet, but in order to create a wider picture of the data flow and map key locations and actors we conducted a ...
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he Internet in its essence is not what most people perceive when online. It is an abstract space which gives limitless opportunities, but basically it consists of hardware, millions of servers, ...
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or thousands of years maps have been the essential tools to help human mankind to define, explain, and navigate their way through the world. Topology maps of the Internet are an important tool for ...
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efore we dive deeper into the exciting life of an Internet packet, we should make a short stop and try to understand some basic technical aspects of the Internet communication and infrastructure. The ...
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